Boy is our Valley turning Green. I thought it was Green when we moved here in April, I was mistaken..
We are only into 2 weeks of the rainy season and the color is EMERALD GREEN., everywhere.
I know I am gushing but when you come from Southern California, this is like a new box of color crayons with a new color called "Panama Green".
I would spend hours outside in our front yard in Coronado (California} watering that yard to get a green grass. Never could I imagine this color green as in "Panama Green".
And it is only going to get better as it gets deeper into the Rainy Season. Can't wait to see what that color "Green" will be.
Remember how I said you have to keep your eyes open and pay attention to what you buy. We aren't the only ones, I have heard from different people here on their little discoveries. One person bought Hormel Hot Dogs and opened the package and threw them on the grill and found out they were indivduaaly wrapped. We bought hot dog buns and they were not sliced open. LOL
I was looking for toliet bowl cleaner and I was excited because I saw the name "Vanish".. Only this Vanish was spot remover for clothes only. I saw "Mr. Muscle" who did not look like 'Mr. Clean", he was dressed like the guy on the Brawny papertowels, but Mr. Muscle was a de-greaser.. The dish soap I bought somes in a small tub and looks like a paste (for those of you who ever polished shoes} and you have to work up a lather to get suds.
Just some of the small things we have noticed along the way. But then again we are retired and we have the time to browse thru the shelves at the grocery stores.
Who would have thought that was a requirement when we came to Panama.....
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