Sunday, May 20, 2012

     Saturday was a good day in paradise.  I went for a 30 minute bike ride with my friend Neil.  He's an experienced rider and makes me challenge myself...then he goes off and climbs a mountain to challenge himself.  Then my neighbor, Harry asked if we wanted some tamales from the market.  I bought eight for eight dollars and put them in the crock pot to warm.   Sandy and I went to Coronado to do some grocery shopping and when we came back it was pouring...just what you need to cool things off.  The time was getting late, and it was still raining, so off I went to the "El Valle Bread Club" to pick up my order.  You order bread on Thursday for Saturday pickup and I had to get there by 1:00, rain or no rain.  They have an extensive menu...we got a loaf of sourdough, six rolls, and an Apple Struedel, and I walked them home under my poncho.  I called Neil and had him come over for lunch.  We try to make our big meal in the middle of the day, so it was tamales, rice and good rolls for three with Struedel with ice cream for dessert...that's what makes afternoon naps possible. A note about the tamales...they were corn meal and bits of chicken with olives and raisins and are wrapped in banana leaves...delicious!  I got lots of praise for the meal and all I did was make the rice!  Life is what you make it, and here we're making it good...just another Excellent adventure for Mike and Sandy.....

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